Friday, 8 September 2023

UE 5 Gameplay animation - Lesson 01 (Intro)

This will be the place to record what I have learnt from self-taught Unreal Engine 5. The focus is on Gameplay Animation. My objective is to dive into 3rd Person gameplay similar to Assassin's Creed or Genshin Impact. 

The first time researching into this is really confusing. There are just too much information in the internet about UE. The fastest way I think is to watch a few tutorial videos. One good one is this:

Because there are so many videos, made by different people, there are always different ways to achieve a similar function. So after watching a few tutorials, its time to choose one video and follow closely to it to successfully create something. This is the one I start with: 

Sign up for an account at mixamo . This is a good place to get mocap actions to use in UE. Unfortunate, I failed following that video. The rig was misaligned and things seems to not work, and I don't know how to fix it. So I decided to create a new project following another tutorial video: 

I tried to follow as much as I can, but I hit an obstacle again. Something that I did wrong and I could not solve it. Still many things that were confusing to me. 

So I tried another tutorial video which is using the basic mannequin rig and doing less things. At least I can finally create something successfully. This is the video:

Finally I succeeded! By this time, I have already a better understanding of the basic concept of creating a gameplay animation. And I am able to look for more specific videos to troubleshoot and mix and match additional functions together. This is the result:

Next lesson I will go through the basic overview of UE5 to create gameplay animation. If only I knew this from the start!

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