Sunday, 28 December 2014

Maya tips 003 - bhGhost

Maybe i should record this so that it will be faster then watching the videos and reading elsewhere.


1. Download the rar file from here : bhGhost and more.
2. Put the mel file into :  C:\Users\User\Documents\maya\2015-x64\prefs\scripts.
3. Open or restart Maya.
4. Copy and paste below mel script :
select -cl;
bhGhost; select -cl;
5. Highlight the script and hold middle mouse button on the script and bring it into the shelf.
6. A small window will appear. Click MEL.
7. A custom button will be created.

Setting up

1. bhGhost panel will open once the mel script is executed.
2. Open Outliner and find the geometry name of the thing to ghost. Click the geometry name and click "Add meshes" button in bhGhost panel. Multiple geometry can be added in order to ghost together.
3. Click "Tools" in bhGhost panel. Click "+Shelf Button". It will add a custom button in current maya shelf for this settings. Remember to go custom shelf panel in maya first.
4. Right click the custom button created and click edit.
5. Three things i will edit. Icon Name, Tooltip, Icon Label. Icons can be found in the bhGhost folder.

Basic function

1. Click Meshes to go to ghosting menu.
2. Switch visibility of ghost on/off.
3. Delete current ghost.
4. Delete all ghost.
5. Create ghost of current frame.

If ghost created cannot be seen, make sure stroke is visible in show tab.

If ghost cannot be deleted even after clicking "BustAll", go Outliner and delete it manually.

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