Saturday, 24 October 2015

Maya tips 008 - Euler Filter

Sometimes in the middle of the splined animation the arm or legs just go haywire, rotating massively around before getting to the next key pose. Usually this occurs when there is a lot of action, having to key a wide range of poses.

So do a check on the Graph Editor.

I realised the graphs seems very extreme from one another. And if i manually adjust the curves, all my keys and poses will be off. And if i leave it alone, i may have to correct those weird frames by editing every frame. The Euler Filter will helps solve this problem. It can be found under Curves menu in Graph Editor.

Basically what it does is it shifts all keys highlighted to the closest value to 0, still maintaining the exact position in space. Its like magic! All poses are exactly the same, but the graph looks normal now! This is how much it has moved looking at buffer curves.

And the result is this.

Sometimes it may just be a few keys that go extreme. Just highlight the whole curve and click Euler Filter!


  1. sir,
    would you please tell me about bake channal

    1. Bake channel is for you to create a key on every specified frame through out the current timeline.
